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464 Days (I still sleep on one side of the bed) 2016

464 days (I still sleep on one side of the bed) is an exploration of the effects of new technologies on memory and human relationships over time. The work utilizes language and site specific performance in private spaces. A central concern of this work is the nostalgic connections and triggers that the presence of technology may provoke in everyday life. These ideas are played out through performative interventions into private spaces and moments.

Hannah Beilharz, 464 days (I still sleep on one side of the bed), 2016, photographic documentation 1, installation, performance, bed, video projections.

Hannah Beilharz, 464 days (I still sleep on one side of the bed), 2016, photographic documentation 2, installation, performance, bed, video projections.

​Hannah Beilharz, 464 days (I still sleep on one side of the bed), 2016, video documentation, installation, performance, bed, video projections, video duration: 00:44 seconds.

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