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Something From Nothing Group Show

22 Johnston St 15 December 2017


Speaking through Erasure


“electronic composition and bodily practice conspire to display a mesmerising audio-visual landscape. sound and movement are anchored to each other, introspectively reactive and evolving over a 1 hour continuum. moments of alignment hyperextend into a blurry dissonance before snapping back into sublime harmony”

speaking through erasure explores the dynamics of silencing and erasure within the cultural context of sexual assault and the bodily effects of sexual trauma. This work utilizes the symbol of a masked face, diaristic forms of writing, and fabric as the material double of an absent body. speaking through erasure reveals the physical and psychological sensations of disembodiment and separation from the body that is often an effect of sexual assault and bodily trauma. This work also seeks to negotiate the boundaries between lived experience and the written text is both unreadable and exposed, the face is both masked and revealed.


Speaking through Erasure, 2017, video still.

Speaking through Erasure, video, 2017.

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